Infantil y juvenil

El libro de la selva
Kipling, Rudyard
Conoce la historia de Mowgli, un ser humano criado por lobos. Tras perder a sus padres en medio de los bosques de la India, este pequeño deberá aprender a sobrevivir en compañía de animales salvajes.
The Story of the Three Little Pigs
L. Leslie Brooke
This is the famous tale of the three little pigs. A story that is part of universal literature.
Through the looking-glass
Lewis Carroll
Sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Alice again enters a fantastical world, this time by climbing through a mirror into the world.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Lewis Carroll
Immerse yourself in this strange, wonderful and crazy world that you will not forget. Follow Alice's journey and be amazed by her unusual characters.
The call of the wild
London, Jack
Buck is a dog that is sold and sent to the North. In a wild country, he is forced to submit to the primitive law of the cane and whip.
La llamada de la selva
London, Jack
Buck es un perro que es vendido y enviado al Norte. Sin ser ya acariciado ni respetado, en un país salvaje, se ve obligado a doblegarse a la ley primitiva del bastón y el látigo.
La isla del tesoro
Louis Stevenson, Robert
La novela de aventuras por excelencia. Esta es la historia de un joven en busca del tesoro perdido de un pirata. Durante la mayor hazaña de su vida irá conociendo mejor a John Silver el Largo, el viejo pirata que lo ha empujado a la aventura.
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Jo March is a young woman who, along with her sisters, will face their first loves, death and social pressures.
The call of Cthulhu
Lovecraft, H. P.
This is a classic mystery story, written by the father of horror stories.
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Mark Twain
These are the adventures that Huckleberry Finn will have to face in the company of his inseparable friend Tom Sawyer.
The Modern Prometheus
Mary Shelley
The novel tells the story of a scientist who uses parts of dead people to give life to a semi-human creature.
Peter Pan y Wendy
Matthew Barrie, James
Lee este clásico de la literatura infantil. Descubre las aventuras de Peter Pan y los niños perdidos de Nunca Jamás.