Literatura Universal

The Tragedy of King Lear
Shakespeare, William
A tragedy that tells the story of the King of Great Britain, who decides to leave the fate of his kingdom in the hands of his daughters.
The Tempest
Shakespeare, William
A play that tells the story of Prospero, the Duke of Milan, who through magic devises a plan for revenge.
The Odyssey
Tell us the return of Odysseus, the Greek hero (also called Ulysses) from the Trojan War, as he faces adventures with deities and mythological monsters.
The Merchant of Venice
Shakespeare, William
A play that presents the story of Bassanio and Antonio. A loan of money will lead them to face various situations, where one of them will be forced to repay the debt with his own flesh.
The Iliad
A classic of Greek literature. It tells the story of the greatness of Achilles and the siege of the Achaeans against the city of Troy.
The divine comedy
Alighieri, Dante
The Divine Comedy is a poem that portrays the struggle between nothingness and immortality, a battle where three realms overlap: hell, purgatory, and paradise. The text reflects three modes of human existence through its vices, virtues, and conditions.
Paradise Lost
Milton, John
A classic of English literature. This narrative poem provides us with insight into the theme of suffering and evil.
Shakespeare, William
A play that revisits the themes of love, intrigue, and jealousy to provide us with a five-act tragedy.
Julius Caesar
Shakespeare, William
A tragedy that revives the conspiracy and betrayal against Emperor Julius Caesar.
Orlando furioso Tomo I
Ariosto, Ludovico
"Orlando Furioso" se erige como un auténtico atlas de la naturaleza humana, destacándose como la máxima expresión del descubrimiento del hombre impulsado por el pensamiento filosófico y político del Renacimiento.
Orlando furioso Tomo II
Ariosto, Ludovico
"Orlando Furioso" se erige como un auténtico atlas de la naturaleza humana, destacándose como la máxima expresión del descubrimiento del hombre impulsado por el pensamiento filosófico y político del Renacimiento.
Comedias I
Recopilación de obras de teatro de Aristófanes, comediógrafo griego principal exponente del género cómico