
  • Ejercicio

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Instrucciones: Responde las siguientes preguntas.

  • Complete las siguientes oraciones con la opción correcta.

    My father is _______ of all his brothers. However, my mother is _______ of all her sisters.

  • Complete las siguientes oraciones con la opción correcta.

    My city is _______ place in the whole world. It's _______ city in the entire state.

  • Lea el siguiente texto y seleccione la oración que refleja la idea general.

    She gets up at 7am every day. She goes to school by bus. She has breakfast in her house with her family. She starts classes at 9am and finishes classes at 3pm. After school she goes back home and has lunch. After lunch she does her homework. Later, she goes to ballet classes. On Thursday, she takes piano lessons. She wants to be a famous artist. That’s why she practices a lot. She goes to bed at 10pm.

  • Complete las siguientes oraciones con la opción correcta.

    The teacher is _______ person in the classroom. My best friend is _______ student in the classroom.

  • Identifique en qué oraciones se menciona una habilidad.

    1. I can play the flute, but I can’t play the piano
    2. She usually cooks pizza during the weekends
    3. You aren’t going to be able to know the way
    4. My new house is really far away from the city