
  • Ejercicio

En este intento has obtenido


Instrucciones: Responde las siguientes preguntas.

  • De acuerdo con el texto, ¿qué información es correcta?

    One of the most common causes of errors in identifying the subject of a sentence is confusing it with a noun used as the object of a preposition. This kind of error can also lead to mistakes in subject–verb agreement. To avoid making this type of mistake or confusion, you first must learn to recognize prepositions and prepositional phrases. Prepositions are the short words in our language that show the position or relationship between one word and another.

  • Identifique en qué oraciones se mencionan hábitos en tiempo presente.

    1. She wasn’t born during the summer
    2. My mother works in a bank everyday
    3. She often uses the car to go shopping
    4. My mother used to live near the beach
  • Identifique en cuáles de las siguientes oraciones se hacen comparaciones.

    1. 2015 wasn't better than 2016
    2. His sister was born in 1999
    3. The weather turned windy
    4. Planes are faster than cars
  • Identifique en qué oraciones se usan expresiones para iniciar una conversación.

    1. How are you today, Miss?
    2. What do they want to eat?
    3. Where were you at 10:30?
    4. Long time no see you, Jo
  • Complete el siguiente fragmento de manera correcta.

    They _______ married in June next year. I _______ to their hometown in May. I already got the tickets.